Best Exercises For Cellulite


If you have cellulite on your legs and you want to get rid of it then you love these leg exercises for cellulite.

There are tons of exercises for getting rid of cellulite, actually any exercises that burns a lot of calories, and builds lean muscle is a good candidate for helping you get rid of leg cellulite.

3 Leg Exercises For Cellulite

1.  Interval running.  This is by far my absolute fave.  If you don't like to jog or run this one may not seem very fun, but if you would just give it a try twice per week you will see some amazing results.  Running is on the tops of list when it comes down to being able to burn a lot of calories in a short period of time.

Also there are many hidden benefits of running like cardio vascular endurance and it's ability to build lean muscle, getting toned, sexy legs, and getting rid of thigh fat, butt fat, and any other kindof fat. lol ;)

A interval running workout would look something like this:

5 minute warm up jog.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
2 minute run or jog.
2 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
1 minute run or jog.
1 minute brisk walk.
5 minutes of cool down walking.
Then 3 minutes of stretching.

That's a 33 minute workout including warm up and cool down and stretching.  Not bad eh?

2.  Squats.  Squats are by far the best workout far the best weight lifting leg exercise for cellulite.  

I prefer mixing squats with walking or jogging.

A perfect squat workout for getting rid of cellulite would be something like:

Continuous squats for 30 seconds.
1 minute jog.
Continuous squats for 30 seconds.
1 minute brisk walk.

Repeat this 6 times.  That's a total of 18 minutes, then walk slow and stretch major muscles to cool down.

That is one heck of a 18 minute workout let me tell you.

3.  Interval Rowing machine.  For those who like to hit the gym here's a great piece of machinery for cellulite that targets the legs while still burning a ton of calories and building up your cardiovascular endurance.

A sample interval rowing machine workout would look something like:

Row (using legs not just the back and shoulders) for 2 minutes.

Rest for 30 seconds.

Repeat 8 times.  That is a 20 killer 20 minute workout.  Then just do a slow walk for 3 minutes or so and stretch.

If you follow do the exercises you will get rid of cellulite.

Well there you have it, 3 great leg exercises for cellulite.